Landmine Press
We all know that working out can be difficult. Between time constraints, our busy schedules, and of course the dreaded soreness, it’s hard to find motivation to keep up with a workout routine. The following exercises are some of the best for toning your shoulders and building up your back muscles! Landmine press is an effective exercise that will work wonders on your shoulders by targeting both front and rear deltoids. Your upper body strength won’t go unnoticed either after you try this one out!
The first thing to do is to find a landmine unit . We recommend the Utility Fitness adjustable dumbbell post with U-shaped bar. Once you have your landmine, attach one end of your chosen weight – this can be anything from bumper plates to kettle bells , but try not to go too heavy on this exercise!
The next thing to do will obviously be getting into position… With feet shoulder width apart and facing away from the landmine machine, grab onto your handle or grip of choice (we recommend two hands) and lift it up until it’s at chest level.
Now for the fun part… While keeping upper body straight, push back with legs while pressing forward through arms until they are completely extended in front of you without locking out your elbows. Then return to the starting position and complete a full rep!
The key is to keep upper body straight, which will work all of those muscles in your shoulder region that need attention! This exercise can also be performed with one arm at a time for added difficulty. Try it out today so you can feel great about what you see when you take off your shirt next summer!
Landmine Press an effective exercise that targets shoulders by toning both front and rear deltoids. Your upper body strength won’t go unnoticed after trying this one out! Find a landmine unit , attach weight, get into position, push back with legs while pressing forward through arms until they are completely extended without locking out elbows then return to the starting position.